Monday, June 29, 2009
Bethleham star
Friday, June 26, 2009
Jumping all over the place
I hate that heart block on the bottom left, it's going to have to go.
In the block with the urn you can see the red rose fabric that's been a feature. I only ever bought a metre and it's nearly all gone. Same with the fabric for the little blue flowers. I'm going to have to improvise for the last blocks.
Excuse me for the weekend while I try to focus on some sewing. Have a good one peoples.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
My struggle with machine quilting
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Picking up the pace
A recess has been cut out and brackets attached to support it and a hole drilled for the hands free. I think he's going to shorten the table further and add lockable casters so I can wheel it. There's not much room left in the sewing room, it's pretty chocka block.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Its all about the fabric

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Busy sewing again
Monday, June 15, 2009
The loot from the show

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Pondering or ruminating
The piggy has been fed for sometime with golden coins and now it's time to swap them for notes and head of to the quilt show in Sydney this weekend. The show started today and the winning quilts are up for viewing here. Click on the pink bars near the top to view the quilts in the different categories.
I'd love to take photos for you but on the Guild website it states that photos are for your own use and that they must not be shared or copied electronically unless you get permission from the quiltmaker. Shucks! That's not likely to happen, for a start, how are you supposed to do that? I do understand the rule that you must not take pictures of stalls, on the threat of being thrown out.
And I'm getting on my soapbox to ruminate on another subject.
If I'm making a quilt from a pattern, which is what a lot of us do, am I breaching copyright if I post my progress or the quilt when I've finished on my blog? Most designers are thrilled because it gives them exposure and they get added sales from their designs. Some of them even encourage it and approve of yahoo groups for people wanting to share the experience. If a designer of a quilt doesn't want photos posted of their designs that have been done by students, I guess the'd say so and I guess we'd respect it. It's so hard to know what is allowed these days.
I don't want to go into the whole copyright thing but this is a subject that can get a bit touchy. If that's going to be the case, I might as well delete my blog and hide away my quilts. I like to share and I love what I do. Your thoughts are welcome.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Play time
Time to play and I like to have fun so I don't let anything stop me once I get an idea like this.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Don't fall for the Tagged invite

Random things
- I'm half Japanese but can't speak the language.
- I'm under 5 foot tall.
- I worked for 25 years as a school dental nurse in New Zealand, the last four of them as a team co-coordinator.
- I've been married twice. ( the first one didn't take)
- I taught bread making for six years back in NZ.
- I eat avocado nearly every day but it's not my favourite food.
- I'm the sweetest person after my morning coffee but don't try to converse with me before that.
- I'm allergic to cats.
- I struggle with my weight, ooh, that's personal!
- I always drive the car when we go out because I'm uncanny when it comes to finding a park, it's like the red sea parting, it's true. Plus I'm a rotten passenger.
In the past, I've had an Irish Water Spaniel, Linus, another Jack Russell, Becky and my DH's dog, a Doberman, Pasha, the most gentle dog I've ever known.
Actually that was really 11, I threw an extra in for good measure.