If I finished every project I'd ever started before starting the next one, I wouldn't be able to make the things that I do now nor have the ability to do them. This UFO is from a class with an amazing teacher, Val Moore. Australians know and love her very well.

It's a variation of a cover quilt from a
Quilter's Newsletter magazine a few years back.

This is as far as I got in one year. There is a lot of embroidery in the applique. There is still another border of roses and rose hips and another very narrow pieced border after that section is done. When I get back to it, I'd like to change the arrangement of the applique that's to go in between the star points. There's no doubt that this is a big project to tackle.

Sometimes the term UFO brings up negative thoughts and even though I have quite a few of them, that's not my way of thinking. I worked full time and had a young family and huge garden to take care of. When I started quilting, I tried to take classes whenever I could. I would have walked on broken glass to learn how to make quilts.
Some I've finished, one top was even thrown away, some languish in a cupboard, but every single class I ever took gave me the skills and knowledge to pursue what I wanted. I loved all the lessons and classes but I didn't necessarily love everything I made.
The quilts I finish are the ones that give me joy to work on because for me, it's the journey not the destination. The quilts I choose to make are the ones I have to own or the ones I want to make and give away. If I see a quilt to put on my list to make, it'll be because that's the only way I'm going to own it.
I hope you all remember to embrace the joy of quilting.
That is soooooo beautiful! What a LOT of work. But worth it! You do wonderful applique and embroidery.
Very beautiful! I love your attitude toward quilting, Janet - you really do quilt for your own pleasure and that of others, the joy and passion are wonderful things!
Hugs - Lurline♥
I love your postive attitude and I have so needed to hear this! I have beating myself up over so many UFO's and in fact just posted about some of them. Your work is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.
It's truely beautiful!
Janet your passion for quilting comes out in your work, and everything you do is just amazing..
I love it!
Julia ♥
What a beautiful quilt! Those subtle shadings are just so gorgeous! And I love what you have to say about quilting and learning and just doing what we love. I totally agree.
I had an attitude adjustment about UFO's a few months back, when in a conversation with other quilters we realized that no one ever blames Da Vinci for all those sketches and ideas that he never actually completed... humm... maybe we are just expanding our artistic genius...
Your work is just beautiful as is your wonderful outlook on the quilting journey.
This is a very special quilt. It is beyond beautiful! I would treasure it as an heirloom, not to be hurried through, but savored with each stitch.
I don't mind UFO's. I figure the time spent made me happy and that is all that matters. Thank heavens there are no quilt police standing over us, rattling off the rules. We are the only ones who know what is finished and what still lurks in a box or closet.
I think the process can be just as much fun as the completed project.
Very wise words, Janet. I agree that I have learned from every class I've taken -- from the teacher and often from fellow students. Each quilt has taught me something, too.
I LOVE the beautiful applique quilt! It is absolutely outstanding! You can be proud of how much you have already accomplished. Wishing you continued joy in quilting!
Wow.. I love this one...so beautiful... :o)
Janet you may have the joy of going through the journey of making the quilts but I surely love to see your journey's progress and the end results!! gorgeous quilt. Classe are great for learning many techniques that can be utilized in other quilts..I have had my share of taking classes and also love the ability of learning through other quilters.
I just love your quilt and totally agree with your comments as that has been my philosophy too. When my children were small I had time to learn but not to finish. Also collected fabric :-) as that soothes the soul. My sons as two year olds used to go in and choose fabric for me
I loooove the way you think and it shines through your sewing and everything you show us!!
Heartfelt thanks again for more inspiration!!
Many are the times I decide not to tackle things for fear of NOT finishing them.
I wanna quilt like you when I grow up *giggle*
Robyn xx
I only wish that more people shared your attitude towards learning, Janet. So many of us, no matter what creative journey we decide to embark on, are more project-oriented than technique-oriented. How many times have you heard the excuse, "Oh, I don't like that color" or "I have a queen sized bed and that project is only for a single bed."
What you've said and how you've said it, Janet is a teacher/designer's dream. That is why you've become the amazing quilter that you are and the inspiration for most of us who faithfully read your blog. Thanks.
OMGosh Janet the flowers are just stunning!!! You have such a wonderful eye for color and shading, I'm in awe!! I too quilt for the love of quilting. Some day I may actually keep a few quilts I make. If someone shows a great interest in a quilt that I'm making, I gift it to them....after all I could always make another, though I never do LOL.
I whole heartedly agree with you. Classes can really build on your skills even if the tops don't become complete. I don't see anything wrong with having a UFO or two, we all do and it doesn't make us any less adept at quilting.
another beautiful quilt
you said it well...love my ufo's but hey love starting what inspires me.
its not a race its a journey for me!
Janet that is a lovely concept and I thank you for sharing it with us.Your quilt is lovely. Time consuming as you stated but the end result will be worth it.
You are not only a wonderful and talented quilter, you have an uncanny ability to express exactly what I think and feel about my projects! Seriously!!! Thank you for your amazing attitude.
That is going to be one GORGEOUS quilt and quite and heirloom someday! I love the colors, and your applique is wonderful!
The quilt is very beautiful, Janet!
I agreee 100% about what you said about unfinished quilts and classes. I don't always love my class quilts, but I generally learn something that I'll put to use for years.
Ooooh, that is very pretty. But I agree, it's really all about the destination. I try to apply that to everything in my life not just the quilts.
I'm so impressed. The star is perfect and the applique is amazing. The fabrics you used for the petals are perfect and of course the sewing is too. I hope you find the time to finish this one. I agree, its the journey. I only make for myself and my loving friends and family. I can imagine quilting for money I sewed for money when our kids were young and I was staying home. Now its for my pleasure. I'm amazed that at this stage in your life that you find time and the energy to do so much.
Beautiful! I just love the fabrics you used for the petals.
Hi, thank you so much for sharing the photos of this quilt. I absolutely LOVE it!! It's definitely my kind of quilting. Did you do 'needle-turn' applique for the flowers and leaves? Or how did you get it so neat!!! Just gorgeous! And there's nothing wrong with UFO's!! They are real life evidence of long life learning!!!!
Keep sharing. It encourages us all.
Oh, I love everything! Beautiful work...thanks so much for sharing!
Janet - this is another gorgeous quilt! I love the fabrics you chose for it - they're just perfect.
I like to try a lot of different techniques, too. Then when I need one for a quilt I really want, I know how to do it.
Very, very pretty indeed!!!
Beautiful work as well.
My, what a lot of work you have put into the Bethlehem Star and it is just gorgeous. Hope you get back to it some day soon as it is sure to be a gem! And it can come live at my house any day you care to send it. LOL!
Such a lovely quilt. I love the soft colours.
Your Quilt is Beautiful..I can relate to what you are saying regarding the Lessons that we learn along the way..I too have thrown pieces away...it's the Technique that I am Interested in...couldn't have said it better myself...
Thanks for sharing
those roses look so real. well done. Your blog is one of my favs, thanks for sharing
What a beautiful quilt.....a beautiful journey!!
I love the process of making a quilt and I am a handquilter...so the quilt is a labor of love and the learning experience that brings it to a finish. I could quilt my quilts on my machine or have them quilted but then it wouldn't be all my work and my experience.
Hugs, Barb
I am stunned.. this quilt MUST be finished, the applique is, um beautiful isnt strong enough.. I just love this quilt...
Ohh your appliqué is sooo neat, I really love it! Which method do you use? You have learnd well with all these classes.
I do understand about making some quilts in a class, and not finishing them or even liking them, but learning new processes through them. Your work is always incredible, your applique is faultless. I love seeing what you create, finished or not!! xo
wonderful!love the design
No matter what class I take I learn something valuable. I'm never too good to learn. Ever. Your work is always so lovely.
I'm speechless .....
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