I've been on the look out for some fabric to make a covered box for a gift from the
Blackbird Design tutorial that they posted in October. I've had trouble locating the boxes because there's been a shortage, is everyone making these?
Finally I found some and also bought this nice toile which I thought would be good.

And then I bought this fabric in two colourways that I saw on
Lurline's blog. I thought the taupe coloured one could be good too, a bit oldy worldy looking. It's Vintage Newspapers by Lecien.

Glue and I don't have a wonderful time together but I have to say, this was easier than I thought it was going to be, although I did manage to destroy the sponge brush in the process. What can I say, it was the enthusiasm.

Thanks to a lovely friend who provided the cross stitch sampler copies, this looks the part.
I really I think I have to make some more. I'll use matt Mod Podge on the paper inside to make it a bit more durable.

Thanks to a couple of bloggers, I was able to make contact with Kim McLean about the quilt I was interested in making. I know you wanted to see it right? Were you dying of curiosity? Well Kim sent me some photos and gave her very kind permission to show it on my humble blog so here it is...........
photo courtesy of Kim McLean
Is it not gorgeous, wonderful and amazing? It's called Stars and Sprigs. I'm so excited, you have no idea how much I love Kim's work and I've loved this quilt since I saw it a couple of years ago.
Best of all, I have Kim's very gracious permission to make it. Yes just for ME, I'm going to make it, is it not gorgeous wonderful and amazing? Oh did I say that already? Sorry but I'm a bit overwhelmed with the generosity and kindness at being able to make it. The main body of the quilt was inspired by an antique spread from 1810 pictured in an old Quilt Engagement Calendar by Cyril Nelson.
Thank you Kim, you are the best.
In conclusion, we have all educated ourselves a bit more over the whole copyright issue and I thank you all for your input and just want to urge you to check things out first, you may have a happy outcome like I did. If you don't, be gracious and accept it. The information is out there.
Back to gift making, oh the pressure of it, not good.