I really do love these basket blocks. The pattern is out of the Quilters Newsletter magazine you see below. They are needleturned applique with black perle cotton used for blanket stitch around the flowers.
These blocks have been neglected for long enough! Time to play Janet!!

Start by digging around in the scrap bin, there should be plenty there I can use.

Cut out the pieces for an alternate block. The green strips will tie it all together. Use same green for border?? Oh yeah then it will look like the background and also like the blocks are floating in a sea of
green. I could be onto a good plan here.

Lots of browns out of the stash to form a diagonal stepping stones effect.

This is what you get.
Mmmm, do I like it? Um maybe. It's not always good to be green. Do I like it enough to carry on with it? Well lets just say I have my reservations. I think maybe I'd like the quilt to be lighter, less green, fresher. yes, no yes,no!
OK now I have another idea, what if...... oops run out of time so will mull on that plan overnight. If I like it, I'll carry on playing with blocks tomorrow.