Now I've seen those posts where bloggers give up some information on themselves so in the spirit of sharing, here are..........
ten random facts about me!
- I'm half Japanese but can't speak the language.
- I'm under 5 foot tall.
- I worked for 25 years as a school dental nurse in New Zealand, the last four of them as a team co-coordinator.
- I've been married twice. ( the first one didn't take)
- I taught bread making for six years back in NZ.
- I eat avocado nearly every day but it's not my favourite food.
- I'm the sweetest person after my morning coffee but don't try to converse with me before that.
- I'm allergic to cats.
- I struggle with my weight, ooh, that's personal!
- I always drive the car when we go out because I'm uncanny when it comes to finding a park, it's like the red sea parting, it's true. Plus I'm a rotten passenger.
In the past, I've had an Irish Water Spaniel, Linus, another Jack Russell, Becky and my DH's dog, a Doberman, Pasha, the most gentle dog I've ever known.
Actually that was really 11, I threw an extra in for good measure.
Thanks for sharing, Janet! By the by, I LOVE those happy compass blocks!
So nice to know a little more about you. We have similar issues, weight, lost pet dog. Love your hexagon header quilt. Curious why you eat avocado LOL. Would love to have the instructions for you hex quilt. Going to try to see if I can find that issue. Have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing.
Oh your Temari are beautiful!! The Hardanger is awesome (tried that twice and ruined both when I started snipping). Those quilt blocks are wonderful...what pattern are those from?
And best of all is getting to know a little about you and seeing your pretty face....yes I said pretty and I mean it!!!
a woman of many talents!!!!
oh my another beautiful quilt started,
my motto is work on what makes you happy that day
no deadlines makes our quilting fun and to me thats what it is all about.
yes it is true, nice to finish a project once in a while!
I drive when we go out too...keeps the peace in the car!
It seems whatever craft you tackle you do gorgeous work! Fun learning a little bit about you.
Thanks for letting us know a little bit more about you.. and finally get a face to all the posts... :o))
And you sure is a woman of many talents!!!
I enjoyed the info you shared about yourself!
I want you to get busy and do something with those blocks. Love them!
Thanks for sharing about yourself. I feel like I got to know you a little better today. Your Temari balls are so interesting and beautiful - I don't think I've ever heard of that craft before. I LOVE your compass blocks!!! They are marvelous!!!
Thank you for sharing a little about yourself. And all of your handwork is absolutely amazing!! Just lovely to see.
Hi Janet - I was intrigued by number 6 and no 10 happens to someone I know - she says she has "good parking karma". Other people apparently get quite annoyed, but she can't help it. I think it sounds wonderful!!! Love reading your bog!!
Hi Janet
That was such a lovely post about yourself, and I just love those circle blocks. Did you make those up yourself or is it a pattern. I am so into circles atm.
Thanks for sharing, Janet!
it's lovely to know a little about you. For some reason I thought you'd be tall..I'm only just 5'..
The Hardanger is gorgous, whatever you do is just beautiful!
Julia ♥
Gee, and I thought you'd be a blond. No........... just kidding. I'm so glad you shared yourself with us. Thank you, I love reading your blog.
What a great post Janet. How nice to get to know you a little better -- you're a cutie! And OhMyGosh -- I LOVE those round blocks you're making -- partly because of the beautiful color combinations. I'd love to know more about them!
Thank you for sharing and I am in love with the quilt project you have on the go (the round one), is it a pattern?
Thanks for sharing! I know how hard it is as really we are all strangers. My hope is that only quilty ladies will find my blog - which is mostly the case. Too boring for anyone else to care (me - not you). And love your 'orphan' blocks. I'm sure when the time is right they will have a home...
Hi Janet...You look very similar to how I thought you'd look, very pretty! I love the compass/circle blocks. You have such a wonderful way to put colors and patterns together.
Oh and I wish that my husband would always let me
Thank you for sharing about yourself. I know that's hard for private people to do.
Thank you for telling us more about yourself. I love your thread balls. I "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed as I scrolled down. You're very talented.
I enjoyed reading this post about you. You are woman of many talents. I just found your blog as Lurline directed us to you. I am so glad that I found you. You have a wonderful blog! I enjoy trapunto too, so we do have that in common in addition to an obvious love of quilting.
Glad to meet you!
In Ireland
Janet, it was nice to see what you look like and learn a bit more about you. I love your Hardanger piece. I dabbled with Hardanger about 25 years ago. I've tried lots of crafts but have limited myself to quilting recently since I'll never live long enough to make all the quilts I dream about.
I really like the Georgetown circle blocks. Did you paper piece them? Are you familiar with Debra Wagner's striplate piecing technique? It works well and Georgetown circle is one of the designs in her book describing the technique. I took a class on it from her years ago and made an entire compass block using the technique in the 1-day workshop.
So you are similar to most people who indulge their creativity - like starting but get distracted somewhere before finishing. Hey, those blocks are just gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
I do hope you will consider getting another little love bug like bonnie. It won't fill the hole in your heart but there are so many puppies that need a good home.
Thank you so much for sharing pieces of you! I understand being a bit private! :-)
When I was passionate about x-stitch I did quite a bit of hardanger, as well. I loved combining the two.
We have many similarities!
do finish your circles, i recognise them as being trish harper's block of the month, camelot, from amitie textiles. i have done all mine and finished putting the circles together, have to do the borders to complete the top. I loved doing all mine.
my title should be 'broderie', better get the fingers back to stitching instead of typing. stitching is far more accurate!!!!
Oh your beautiful Temare balls caught my eye WOW!
Anyone who eats avocados everyday knows good food!
Hello I am in love with these round blocks the name of which I do not know is it of the sewing on paper? Has t he(it) a Web site there or we can find this block? Thank you friendship of France
I used to live a couple years in Japan (Tokio) and I love it! But I was young and going to school. I'm sure if I had to work there I wouldn't be so happy;)
I love avocado but I barely eat one per year (silly, isn't it! LOL)
Very nice picture of you!!!
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