A recess has been cut out and brackets attached to support it and a hole drilled for the hands free. I think he's going to shorten the table further and add lockable casters so I can wheel it. There's not much room left in the sewing room, it's pretty chocka block.
Original posts are here and here.

This is the system I'm using to help me keep track of my Nearly Insane blocks. They are all safe in a folder with stickers on each page of what number they are and they get crossed off a master plan when I've done them. The book is Nearly Insane by Liz Lois. No instructions on how to do the blocks but I found a great blog that posts a block a week and suggestions on how to tackle them. Amazon doesn't have this book at the moment but try a quilt shop.
Go see another fabulous blog Supergoof, that has gorgeous quilts to look at and also nearly insane blocks done in the red and white colour scheme. I might have mentioned it before, it's in Dutch but we all speak quilt, right?
Oh I love those baskets, is it a pattern? And your machine ,well I hope you enjoy it every day.
Your Bernina is a beauty. I just love your basket blocks too. So cute. I agree, we all speak quilt. Perfectly said. You have some stunning projects in the works.
Ok Janet, you didn't mention actually sewing anything on the new machine...nothing for real but did you test drive it yet?
Whoa momma, your applique quilts are beautiful!! I really love the the green one...what a stunner!!
Your Nearly Insane system is very much like I did for Dear Jane. It was nice to have a book to take and show off at guild and such.
Love the new machine... I can feel you stroking it with delight now-lol. How exciting. Your quilts are gorgeous as always janet..... I have the dear jane book and keep looking at it with the urge to start but keep delaying it... must get on to it... soon
I see happy times ahead with your new machine!
I am not so organised with my Nearly Insane. Maybe it is time for me to get a folder:-)
Do belong to the Nearly Insane yahoo group and they have it all EQ5 and 6'd so that you can print paper-pieces off for it. That makes it infinately easier. Sulinda Rupp must have been one whiz of a piecer!
This is the Yahoo group
We have a weekly block to make and our blocks are posted for all to see. I have made 30 blocks so far out of 98. Lots of fun :-))
Janet the new baby is a beautiful addition.
So looking forward to seeing what you create.
Lovely blocks and quilts Janet.
I adore your tiny baskets and love the two quilts you posted. I am in EXTREME envy over the second one -- with the green background. You do fabulous work!
I love your baskets - I've fallen behind on my basket project, too. I need to pull them out and do one or two a day - this project has been languishing way too long. Recently I purchased the book for the baskets you're making - another basket project???? LOL
Oh, Janet I'm so excited for you with your new 'toy' - enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
O-o-o-h, pretty new toy! The basket blocks are so cute and thanks for sharing the photos of your full size quilts -- they are just fabulous! I keep meaning to tackle the Nearly Insane blocks -- just haven't gotten there yet. Great organizing system.
Now that I see the book, you are nearly insane but its going to be grand. The machine is a beauty and the table is a great match. Nice hubby. OOH and AAH (that's the two older posts) Red and Green being complements always make all the details pop.
Fabulous post...what a blessing to have such a wonderful sewing machine, your quilts are AMAZING. Thank you for the quilts sites to check out and the books, you are very inspiring...I wish I had more time in my life to tackle such magnificent projects.
Nice to see your new sewing machine up. I bet you are just going to love it. I love your quilts both, but I have an affinity for the second one. That is a Piece O' Cake Design isn't it? I have the Nearly Insane book and hope to start those blocks some day. I am in awe of the quilt from the second blog link you gave. It is just beautiful.
Congratulations on the new Bernina! I am sure you will put it to good use.
It is hard to meet our goals sometimes but you are moving along on those basket blocks one way or another.
I went back and read about the two quilts you show photos of. You amaze me at the number of elaborate applique quilts you have made. Your hand quilting is just wonderful. All well done on these two quilts.
I love baskets of any kind on a quilt....You have done some amazing quilts....
Your Baskets are Lovely...Your New Toy looks Beautiful..how lucky to have a DH to modify your table to fit...Have Fun with it...
What a great new toy! I have that NI book and still want to make one some day.
......clapping.....OH...OH...THERE IT IS!!!...LOL...
I was JUST thinking about you yesterday and wondered if 'IT' had
arrived yet. I was also wondering
how and where you were going to accomadate 'IT'...Mine is still
spread out on my dining table....the only place at the time
with enought space to put it...mine is 40 inches long when the embroidery module is attached....I am sooo happy for you!!!....Now...you have NO excuses!!!!!
I love those baskets..will be a great scrappy quilt.
Congratulations on the new Bernina..you'll have so much fun creating great quilts on that machine..
Love the NI blocks/quilt...but no the DJ was enough for me!
Gorgeous quilts there, Janet.
Julia ♥
Those 2 quilts were definately worth reposting - they are so lovely!! Definiately we speak quilt. :0)
Wonderful wee baskets and the quilts are beautiful!
wow a wonderful new machine......
Janet, you're making me drool with this post...your new machine, the basket blocks, the gorgeous quilts...everything!
I'm going back to read it again so I can drool some more. I can just hear your new 820 purring across the oceans that separate us. Enjoy it!
Oh I love the new machine. How fun to get to play with that baby!
The quilts are just beautiful and the basket blocks are coming along nicely.
I LOVE, LOVE that basket quilt...I saw the original at market...it was so GREAT! I lovce the colors you are using!
Way to go on the baskets, they are going to make a stunning quilt.
Have fun with your new toy.
My, my, my but I do love your blocks. And congratulations on your latest arrival. Wow! That's really exciting. Magnificent actually.
You are going to love her! But you already know that!!! Congrats!
Love your baskets -- I've had one of those on my to do list for a while. Which pattern are you using? I think I've got one by Alex Anderson in one of my books.
You have insane skills. I will say that. I would never ever attempt this!
Oh taht top pieced and appliqued xmas quilt is to die for! You make the best quilts.
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