I had a lovely afternoon in the sewing cave the other day. I shut out the world and enjoyed a bit of me time.
I've been battling bronchitis the last two weeks but I'm feeling more like my normal self now thank goodness.
Poor David has had it too but not as bad and on top of all that, had a day in hospital (nothing serious) and a bit of minor eye laser surgery. It sounds like we're falling to bits!! We're good now and life is slowly returning to routine as much as it can.
I felt like a little sewing project that was easy, inexpensive and fast to do from whoa to go. You can see I couldn't stop at one and I even tried a couple of different sizes. These are great as thread catchers, containers or to put gifts in.
They're even reversible, how good is that? I found the tutorial
over here if you need to whip some up.
Have you seen
Mary's hexagons? I needed something happy to play with and made a few of these big ones. I was going to surround them with a row of white but now I've changed my mind and might come back to these a little later on. It's a bit of frivolity and may not grow up to be a quilt.
I decided to simplify and go for the single petaled blooms for now.
As you can see, they've been a great distraction and I'm enjoying the simplicity of English paper piecing.
Look what came in the mail! A fat quarter pack of
Sew Cherry by
Lori Holt, I had to have some after seeing them on
Nannette's blog. I even got some yardage that I have plans for. Yummy!
I've also been doing a little painting. These two boards will have different colours on the backs. They're to help me with photos for the blog. I have such a dark house and very little natural light so it's hard to find anywhere to take photographs. I read about this great solution from
Amy and swung into action.
That's all for now, except to say thanks a bunch for all the wonderful messages you've left me. I couldn't bring myself to reply to you all individually, I know you'll understand. I'll be doing my best to catch up.
Janet xoxo