Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I got the Princess Feathers on the wall and cut some sashing strips to see how it's all working. I tried a couple of colours for the sashing but I'm sticking with the same as the pattern.
The border on the right has all the circles to go yet. The corner appliques go on after the top is together. When I do the last block, I''ll at least be able to sew the center of the top. The blocks finish at 30" and I recently bought this 20 1/2" ruler which makes the job so easy. It comes in so handy for all sorts of cutting jobs!
Lurline and I have both got this pattern for the giraffe so we are going to make these sometime between the 11th -24th May. It's a good way to get these done as gifts, we'll spur each other on.
Join in with us if you want one of these cuties.
I'm sorry that Anne from Finland has not been in touch to claim her giveaway prize so I've passed the prizes down and drawn another number for the third pick.
Congratulations to Amy from a needle in my hand.


Anonymous said...

Here I sit staring at the computer monitor with mouth dropped open! I can really appreciate seeing all that gorgeous applique!!

Liz said...

Mouth dropped open indeed, struck with awe I would say, how gorgeous is this going to be!!

Nedra said...

I've never seen a 20 1/2 inch ruler. It looks huge. The progress on the quilt is looking amazing as usual.

Kim Brackett said...

WOW!!! Your quilt is amazing! Man, that's a lot of applique. It's absolutely stunning.

Unknown said...

I clicked onto your pic to get a larger view of Your Gorgeous Work..Oh.! Janet this is Stunning...I Love the Fabrics & Colours you are using...are they from the same range..they Marry so well together...This is a real Labour of Love...can't stop looking at it..Very Inspirational.!!

Betsy said...

Janet your princess feather quilt is stunning. You have such pacience.

Karen said...

Looking good!!!! Also love how the Pies and Tarts are coming along. And, the baskets! So cute! I have a pattern for tiny baskets. It has been sitting on my work table for much too long now. You have inspired me to get to it! :)

West Michigan Quilter said...

Your princess feathers quilt is absolutely beautiful! I love applique. Did you use the needle turn method? I would like to master that.

Unknown said...

Princess Feathers is absolutely gorgeous!! I cannot wait to see it complete. I just love Mrs. Perkins and can't wait to see what fabrics you choose to make her.

Anonymous said...

This is going to be one amazing quilt, just beautiful Janet. I had the Koala pattern from M&M arrive today.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Another wow for Princess Feathers! It is going to be gorgeous.

Sheri Howard said...

WOW IS THE ONLY WORD!!! That will be one of the most beautiful quilts EVER!! I hope you enter it in a contest somewhere.

Crispy said...

Wow your Princess Feathers quilt is going to be a stunner!! Man the borders are fabulous!!


soggybottomflats said...

Janet, I love the colors in your quilt. I have never seen anything quite like it. I think it needs to visit Houston, don't you? Where can I find this pattern and/or the fabrics? Thank you so much for sharing, Elaine

soggybottomflats said...

Oops, I just read your other post on the princess feather, now I know! I still am awestruck by it. Just luscious, Elaine

Sally Anne said...

Those blocks are amazing..wow !.Is it all needleturn applique ?

Stina Blomgren said...

WOW!! and wow again.. and you needleturned all this.. Im amazed... all those in and out curves..
Janet.. WOW!!! :o) Its beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Your princess feathers is amazing, all that beautiful colour, it must be even more dazzling in reality. I'd love to see a close up.

antique quilter said...

in AWE...
oh my it is just beautiful

when I grow up I want to applique just like you

Chookyblue...... said...


amy said...

Piling on the awe over here too. Simply gorgeous, Janet!! You are a Kaffe-Kim inspiration!!

Carrie P. said...

Girl, you such an inspiration to me. I love what you are working on. Any advice for those deep valleys on the feathers? You have probably mentioned the name of this pattern but could you tell me again, please.

QuiltedSimple said...

THis is amazing! It is truly fabulous!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Those princess feathers are just amazing and the details I'm in awe of. Can't wait to see all the Mrs. Perkins.

Lurline said...

I'm blown away! - a big day with lots of driving - words can't express how I feel! Will not make any rash decisions - Princess Feathers has always been a big favourite with me and what you have done with it? - wow!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Darlene said...

Wow, wow and wow!!!!! Princess Feathers is drop dead gorgeous. I love it, Janet.

Jan Richards said...

You are an amazing quilter. I marvel at the things you get done and I am retired and no longer have kids at home. How do you do it? Do you sleep? Keep up the amazing work!!

Terry said...

Your quilt is amazing! It's beautiful now...I can only imagine how wonderful it will be when it's finished! :0)

Quilts And Pieces said...

Oh your princess feather is coming along so wonderfully! It is totally amazing! And those giraffe's are just too darn cute! Can't wait to hear if they are hard to make or not.

Janet said...

Your Princess Feather quilt looks amazing! All those circles must take a lot of patience to prep and sew on! They sure add a lot to that beautiful border though. The giraffes are very cute - I bet you'll have fun sewing them.

Shari said...

This is such an amazing quilt. You should be so proud of yourself! It's a lot of hard work and dedication and I am so impressed. So looking forward to seeing it finished! You will have earned a huge congratulations!

The giraffe looks so cute. Will maybe try it one day - but super busy in May!

Amelia said...

wow mum i have to say the colours in this quilt just pop!! It really is looking special!

Browndirtcottage said...

Oh Wow....I can't even begin to imagine doing this quilt...It is just amazing!!

Deb said...

can I say this is the most gorgeous quilt that I have ever seen!! I love your wonderful colors, fabrics, workmanship, the pattern is fantastic and your boarders..ugh I can't say how wonderful this quilt is..I just love it!! so glad that I found your blog to admire your wonderful taste in quilting

Kellie said...

I just bought that same ruler a couple of weks ago! So pleased that I did. The quilt top is looking amazing!

Judy said...

Just fabulous!