These quilts were made just because and then they got used as class samples for teaching how to draft and paper foundation piece the New York Beauty block. I finished hand quilting this one in 2003.

You can't tell from the photo but there is quite a bit of bearding from the pure wool batting I used

This bright little number was finished in 2002 and has a few
millennium fabrics in it so I called it "Celebration". It was quilted with a big stitch in a Japanese
variegated thread using a cotton batting. I'm very keen on big stitch quilting and it goes so fast.
I seem to have several distinct types of styles of quilting. My bright quilts still have their roots in traditional patterns, but I do seem to swing to and fro. That's what's great about quilting!
Thanks to those who took the trouble to comment on my last post, I have some good ideas for getting focused. I'm going to start by calling my sets of blocks orphans rather than UFOs, that's halved them already and I feel no obligation to turn them into quilts unless I so desire!!!
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
beautiful :)
yes I think even though we are deeply rooted in antique quilt styles we have another side of us that just has to make a 30's quilt or plaid quilt or a bright quilt....happens to me too!
thanks for sharing more of your work...
Both of these are lovely. Future project for me.
Your New York Beauty is wonderful.I have never heard of big stitch quilting.I have hand quilted all my quilts.I gave up making quilts in 1995,buy now that I'm doing it again,I still want to hand quilt.It takes so long.....I guess I just need to make a decision and DO IT!
Those quilts are both beautiful! I can't decide which one I like the best, but I think I'm leaning toward the one with the bright colors! :0)
Both quilts are very beautiful - love the colors of them.
Your quilts are spectacular! I have admired New York Beauties but will never make one myself because I am not a fan of paperpiecing.
I love New York Beauty quilts but like Carrie, I'm not a fan of paperpiecing, either.
Thank you for visiting my blog....you have some BEAUTIFUL quilts! I love all the scrapy ones and the applique.....I can never have too much applique, I am sick I know! Thanks for sharing!
wow love these..........just found your blog and I will be back later to look more..........
just love the picturs ////i will be back
thanks for sharing
I love your New York Beauty quilts! I just had to try this block too - about a year ago - I only made one block though and turned it into a table topper. I have it basted and ready to handquilt and I couldn't decided what to quilt - now that I've seen your quilting on the first quilt I know exactly what to do - Thanks a bunch!
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