Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thank you

I was overwhelmed by the number of comments on my last post, offering suggestions and soothing words to make something out of my mistake. You guys are the best! Some even ate chocolate on my behalf, now that's support! Thank you so much. Without you, this could have been delegated to languish in a drawer forever.

In celebration of blog friendship and support, I'd like to humbly offer this 11" cushion as a giveaway. (Thanks to those who made that suggestion) Just leave me a comment on this post and please, please make sure you have a way of me contacting you in case you win.
I'll draw a random number on Sunday night Australian time and you'll forgive me if I don't reply to comments on this post so I can get on with sewing the other one.
Edit: I am prepared to post internationally of course.

If you want to make one of your own, this is Kellie's pattern from Don't Look Now. I love it to pieces and there are four cushions in the pack,  and I'm making them all. She suggested a great binding would make it look fabulous and I did find a good stripe in the stash. I didn't even have to cut it on the bias, it was printed like that.  Kellie even has some free patterns for you to download and make for yourself on her sidebar. I didn't start these knowing how to do it, I just followed the instructions and had a go. I've never done free motion applique before so while it might not be a proffessional version, it was made with joy.

A pretty pink on the back and I think it was a good save.

Other happy news is the fabric that arrived from Terri. She had a fantastic sale that I just couldn't pass up. Fabulous Kaffes to re-stock the stash and the cheapest I've ever bought. For now, I've left them out to stroke as I go past, lol.

Good luck for the draw, back again after the weekend.


Ruth B said...

Janet, that pillow is gorgeous! I love "Don't Look Now" patterns and I have the tree pattern but I haven't had the courage to try to make it yet. Your stitching and quilting looks flawless to me. I saw the blog where you cut through the flower but it looks great!

Monica said...

I am lovin' that pillow! I don't see a think wrong with it. If you hadn't admitted your mishap, I would never have noticed.

Thank you for sharing the link to the patterns.

Terrie Sandelin said...

Beautiful pillow and a generous offer! I'm not sure if you're willing to ship overseas even if I did get my name drawn and I totally understand if that's the case. You do really inspiring work!

Di said...

Janet, you've done a wonderful job in the end. I'd love to win this cushion for my friend Lindi. You see, she entered Kellie's giveaway for this same cushion last year on my behalf and didn't tell me - she knew how much I would love to win. You can imagine how surprised and overwhelmed with gratitude I was when she won Kellie's cushion - for me!!! So this could be my chance to return the favour LOL. Fingers crossed!

Danielle said...

It's beautiful! I'd love a chance to win that beauty!

Debbie in Chico/Sacto said...

I love the pillow. I bought the pattern, too, and just received it last week. I'm looking forward to making something with the designs, but maybe not a pillow. Have you heard of that technique where you cut your project up, add sashing (or borders as the case may be), and put it back together? It might just work for you. What do you have to lose?

Thimbleanna said...

Wow -- that's a fabulous save Janet! It turned out great and I love it!

Nyla said...

Fabulous save Janet, I think it's beautiful! I like the idea of free motion applique. I may have to give it a try. I'm also glad to hear I'm not the only one who strokes my fabric!

Unknown said...

So glad that you opted to finish it! It looks fantastic with the piping. Just gorgeous!! How generous of you to give it away. I would be honored to have anything that is made by you. Your work is impeccable.

Loris said...

Your pillow turned out so vibrant and beautiful! What a generous way to give it even more life.
I hope your re-do's go along easily and continued enjoyment.
It is hard not to smile looking at those happy colors.

Connie said...

It turn out beautiful! You also do beautiful work I love applique work. It would be nice to win this, and it is very nice that you are giving it away. Connie

Karen C said...

Who can't resist Kellies style and i can say you've done her pattern justice, your pillow looks "Like Wow" so much color and so fun. Well done. We learn from our mistakes and if this is your mistake and you are giving it away lucky will be the recipient.

Sandy said...

Gorgeous pillow....thank you for giving us the opportunity to win it!

Deanna said...

Beautiful and perfect for my daughter's bedroom. She is just finishing a postage stamp quilt for her bed--when it's scrapy anyting goes! Thanks for the offer.

Tivoli West said...

It's gorgeous! I'm glad you saved it. Great job.

Margaret said...

I was cringing when I read about what happened. You've turned that sadness into something gorgeous! I love that pillow! And to give it away too! You are a generous soul.

Vicky F said...

Hi Janet,
I'm glad you salvaged the pillow top in such an elegant manner.
I didn't eat any chocolate in your honor; I was just sick when I saw your post with the mis-cut. I'm sure you were ill as well.
Good save.
Vicky F

Sherri said...

It's so gorgeous! And what a great idea you had...someone is going to be very, very happy!

Annette said...

Wow, that is one gorgeous "save". You've made delicious lemonade from a tart lemon situation. And your stitching is absolutely amazing for a first try.

Rita said...

Your pillow is absolutely beautiful! Your workmanship is outstanding.

Robin said...

What a fabulous pillow!!! You really turned your ooops into a new kind of wonderful. And if you're really willing to give it up, I would be so proud to have it!

Someday, I really need to try one of her patterns. They are too gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Oh my our little Sophie would just adore this beautiful pillow, she is only twoandhalf but is so in love with pink and pretty things, she wears two butterfly rings everyday and won't go anywhere without them.
Love your giveaway and your generousity.
quilting hugs

Lynn E said...

Oh see that chocolate torte did save us. Its a wonderful pillow and would love to have it!!!

stitchinpenny said...

since I love the pillow please count me in for the giveaway. You should be able to contact me by replying to the comment. Thanks i HOPE i AM LUCKY ENOUNGH TO WIN.

RG said...

Oh I'm so happy you made this into a cushion Janet and how very generous of you to make it a giveaway!!!

Oh please let me play, that cushion would be well loved and would look perfect on my bed.
Thanks thanks and thanks for the opportunity to win!!

Robyn xx

Janet said...

Janet your cushion turned out beautiful!! Such happy colors, gorgeous shapes and wonderful quilting - Oh please put my name in for the draw.

Anita said...

I love Kelly's patterns. I don't know how you can part with the pillow despite the small mistake, it must have been a lot of work!

Debbie said...

It's beautiful! I think it is flawless. :)



I LOVE love love that pillow and it is all my colors---it's mine!!!
You really did do a BEAUTIFUL job of sewing, stitching, quilting it--what a "treasure" for someone to win!!!
Hugs, Di&co

Pokey said...

Your pillow, as with all of your work, is simply beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win apiece of your artistry!

soggybottomflats said...

Oh Janet, my heart went out to you on your mishap. You did a lovely job, truly a piece of art. I can empathize with you, yes, I have had mishaps and it drives me crazy. I went to Dairy Queen (ice cream/fast foods) and had a root beer float in your honor...since I don't care much for chocolate. We all need to take one for the team, huh? Big quilty hugs, Elaine

Anonymous said...

ohh.... I felt your pain when I read your post the other day. I'm so glad that you didn't ditch it! No one would even notice that it isn't 'quite right'! It's gorgeous, you've done a beautiful job. I made a different dln cushion... and I know the hours it took me. Well done on perservering! :)

Jocelyn said...

Oh my goodness, the pillow turned out beautifully. What a fantastic giveaway prize. Thanks for entering me :-)

Nedra said...

The pillow is stunning! Count me in! And yes, I did offer a moment of silence in your behalf and ate a piece of chocolate. Isn't that what friends are for?

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness! I hope I win! I would love to put that pillow in my grandaughter's would look great in there!

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

The pillow looks great and I am happy to read,t hat all the comments did help you ;-)).
It is a very generous offer - I would love to be in the drawing.
Thanks for sharing the link t the pattern with us.

sharon said...

Read about the dreaded cut the other night, you could never tell it happened now. You do some amazing work!. Love your blog always look foreward to seeing your projects, such beautiful sewing.

Mary said...

Hi Janet,
I love the pillow and the trimmed flowers & lady bug just look they will continue on the other side. I think it adds character. I sure hope I love the lucky number, you do such elegant work!!
Mary in AZ

Nat Palaskas said...

Hi Janet, yes please include me in your giveaway. I love to win a that gorgeous cushion. I love your new fabric stash - Hugs Nat

Joyful Quilter said...

You do such incrediable beautiful work...I'd love to win the pillow!

Dolores said...

Oh Janet, the cushion turned out beautifully. Great save! Love the new fabric and I would view them and stroke them too before cutting into them.

LabMom said...

I would be honored to have such a beautiful pillow in my home.
Keep up the great work! Your quilting and your blog are both wonderful!

Deb said...

Janet, your pillow os gorgeous. There is always a solution to a problem if we take the time to sit back and revisit things. Its just so blimin frustrating whe we make the woopsie isn't it..

GerryART said...

Now this is one happy pillow. It surely makes me smile.
She'd look quite at home right here next to me.
I've been enjoying your blog.

imquilternity said...

Janet, it's true isn't it, that sometimes our mistakes offer us creative opportunities we never dreamed of. Your pillow is absolutely gorgeous and no one would ever know about your mishap. I'm so happy to see that you put your opportunity to good use!

Glad you loved the fabric...I loved cutting it!

Anonymous said...

OMG: what a lovely pillow! Thanks for this beautiful giveaway.

Lindi said...

Ooh, Janet, I'd love to win the cushion! It has turned out beautifully. See, mistakes are always reusable.
My DD is expecting and I have a suspicion it will be a little girl. This would be perfect for her when she visits Nana! :)

Marit said...

Janet, it looks so pretty. No one can tell about the unfortunate incident at all. Lovely finish with the back and the pretty stripe. I can't believe you can actually part with this beauty (you have a big hart) and I would love a chance to win it!
; )

Copper Patch said...

I don't even think your booboo was a booboo. A painful moment for you though. You've done a brillaint job with your free motion applique and quilting. The cushion looks great and I'd be stoked to call it mine!

Béa said...

Super ! I loooooooove Kellie's patterns and so much your amazing work. Thank you so much for this giveaway, hugs from France.

Julia said...

It's just gorgeous glad you finished would never know what happened!
Your quilting looks perfect to me!
Good lucj with the next one..
Julia ♥

SandyN said...


How generous..... even if I don't win... I am happy to eat more chocolate on your behalf.

Sandy N

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

The cushion looks great! You did a good job saving it, you could tell people you did it on purpose!

Unknown said...

Janet, you'r cushion is super - you are way too generous, and if you didn't know that it wasn't meant to be that way you'd never notice as the stunning applique work keeps drawing you into the WHOLE effect and not the slip
I'm really going to have to have to start doing some of Kellie's patterns when I get rid of some existing UFO's

LeKaQuilt said...

I love your applique and the colours in this is so gorgeous. Please, include me in your giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win :o)

The kids said...

Well I think you made a great save out of it. And a gorgeous pillow too!

Lissa Jane said...

there is always a silver lining possum... cadburys has a silver lining, lindt has a silver lining... Even Nestle has a silver lining :O)) take care and this is a very generous giveaway.. I am glad you were uninjured possum!

stay cool...

PS I love love love this cushion :O) Kellie's patterns are so lovely and fresh!

Deb said...

oh my goodness that pillow would brighten up our winter days here in Ontario!! you are so quick I cannot believe you got that beautiful pillow together already. you are very generous..enjoy that gorgeous fabric. I hope that sale is still on i have to go look!!

Betsy said...

Janet that is so sweet of you. I like the way you added the piping all around. It looks fabulous.

Seams Sew Together said...

Janet, see good things can come out of bad, I think your cushion looks fabulous and I would love to win this.

Dawn said...

We have all been there when it comes to mishaps, and quilters are just the best when it comes to helping advice! What a lovely give-away, your work is beautiful!

Terry said...

Your pillow is just beautiful!! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)

Evy en Petra said...

Great save! Good things come from honest mistakes. It is not a law but it has proven itself right oh so many times.

Wishing you a lot of fun hours making the second one!

alobsiger said...

Oooooh, Janet, you are the sweetest! Please enter me in the draw and make sure I win. hee hee In the event I don't win, I'd better see if I have that lovely pattern of Kellie's... I just might have that. What a lovely stack of new Kaffes. I don't know how I resisted that sale. A moment of sanity???? :-)

Rhondi said...

Pick me! Pick me! I just love that pillow and have been thinking about making one myself. Maybe I won't have to. It is beautiful. Lucky you getting some bargains on Kaffe fabric too.
Hugs, Rhondi

Kaaren said...

Janet, I would consider it an honor to display one of your creations in our home. It is simply gorgeous!

Mandy Noble said...

The pillow is beautiful, my girls would kill to have it in their bedroom. Fingers crossed!

*karendianne. said...

Oh my gosh that's so fun. What a great post. I'm so happy for you. I absolutely love your pillow. All the more because it's been it's own little shared experience with your realm of friends. How happy! Then more happy with the fabulous fabrics. I smiled when I read that part. You're just fun. Thus the fun post of course. Silly me!

Crispy said...

Ooooo a beautiful save!!! That Terri, she is such a temptress. I love your stack of fabric!!!


Debra said...

I would love to win, your work is wonderful!

Rebecca Merry said...

Wow! Stunning! I wouldn't have known it was a save if you hadn't let us know! Inspiring! Thanks for the great giveaway!

molly said...

Now that's what I call making lemonade from lemons!! I am fascinated by these patterns...would love a chance to win your gorgeous *interpretation*.

Be*mused Jan

Barb said...

Your pillow (cushion) turned out lovely! How incredibly generous of you to give it away!?
Love your blog.

Lori said...

Great idea Janet and I'm glad someone will be enjoying your beautiful pillow. I wasn't going to sign up but I think it would look smashing with the bright quilt I made my niece and I know she would appreciate it so much.

FlourishingPalms said...

It would be an HONOR to win something on which you slaved and sweated, and perhaps with tears on it too! Thank you for this opportunity.

Unknown said...

what a fun pillow. All that work and it's gorgeous. Nice save, and yes, the chocolate was wonderful. lol How nice that you can share your grief and get such sympathy.

Meredith said...

Yep that was a nice sale. I did not realize there were patterns. Great save

Anonymous said...

What a great save Janet, and how super sweet of you to offer it up as a giveaway. Love, love, love your new fabrics.

Carrie P. said...

Janet, I just finished catching up on reading all your posts. You have been very busy and the pillow turned out gorgeous. We all make those kinds of mistakes and it is good when things turn out okay.

Melissa C said...

I was really hoping you wouldn't toss it. Great save and thanks for the chance.

Mama Spark said...

I think the pillow turned out just lovely and would be proud to own it. Please consider giving it a wonderful home in Michigan!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You did a wonderful job on the Pillow Janet! Kellie has some wonderful patterns!

Monika said...

Janet, if I ever make something like your giveaway, I would be very, very proud.

Nanette Merrill said...

Janet everything you do is lovely. You inspire me.

wendy said...

Have been following your gorgeous blog for a while. There are no mistakes! lol
These patterns are gorgeous, its just sourcing them in the UK

Janet said...

Janet your pillow is lovely. It is very generous of you to do a give away! Thank you.

May Britt said...

It is a wonderful pillow and I would love to have it in my sofa. I just told myself I really should concentrate on making new pillows because the old ones are so....old :)

Kim D. said...

Gorgeous Pillow and I'm glad you finished it. I love those patterns and would love to be entered into your drawing. Thanks for the chance.

Mary said...

It's beautiful! Even with a loppy petal, it's beautiful. Gwendie

Yuki said...

Love that pillow.

ttfn :) Yuki

YankeeQuilter said...

I think it was a fantastic "save!" The striped binding is perfect...I bought some fabric like that a couple of years ago and loved using it! Need to hunt down some more!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

It's gorgeous! Please count me would go very nicely in my home :o)

AnnieO said...

I have visited your blog many times but don't know if I have ever left a comment before. But I have to say this: you are in NO WAY an amateur even though you say free motion applique is new to you. Your work is gorgeous and I marvel at your mad applique skills--you can work a needle with exquisite results! So sorry that pillow top tragedy happened where you cut through your beautiful work! I would love to own something you made.

Doris said...

Great save, and way to pick up the pieces after your slip-up! The binding is just adorable and I have the perfect home for this!


Anonymous said...

I absolutely love it when something works out...and your pillow certainly worked is STUNNING. Kristy in Ohio

Dawn said...

Seriously, it is too lovely to give away. I am glad you didnt let the small miscalculation discourage you too much. And it also gave us all a reason for chocolate.

Val Miller said...

If only my mistakes were so beautiful!! I can't imagine how you are willing to part with such a masterpiece = but if I could be so lucky, I would happily find a great spot for it!!!

Kathryn said...

Janet, The pillow turned out beautifully. Never mind the 'mis-cut.' Noone will ever know. I'd love to win it.
Kathie L in Allentown

Laura said...

I just found your blog through a link from another blog and the picture of this pillow is what prompted me to check it out. I love it and your quilting is gorgeous! I would love to be entered in the drawing.

And think you for the link to the pattern company. I will definitely be checking them out.

jill said...

Great save! The pillow is wonderful, JILL

Jana said...

Oh it turned out beautiful! I'm glad you were able to finish it...even if it wasn't what you originally wanted.

Liz said...

Oh My Gosh Janet, I can't believe I didn't read blogs for a couple of days and missed your disaster!! That's a great save and it did give me a really good excuse to eat some chocolate (granddaughter left a little in the pantry!).

Maki said...

It is just beautifull! You did a great job!

Thanks for the offer!

SarDee said...

I think it's wonderful and I, for one, would love to own it! I am working on the free one from Don't Look Now. I started it a couple weeks ago but I am a S.L.O.W. quilter!

Anonymous said...

Janet, I have just stumbled across your blog, I am amazed at what a wonderful array of projects you do and they are all just so beautiful. I am a fan of Kellie's work also and you have done a superb job of her cushion, I would love to enter your generous giveaway. Kind Regards

Dolly said...

Count me in on the drawing !

You know I adore your work, and think that those naught quilting fairies are just jealous of you !

I would proudly send this to my granddaughter along with the quilt that I'm making her......we quilting queens could reign together in Zoe-land.

J Barham said...

What a gorgeous pillow! Your quilting is right on. Love the Don't Look Now patterns. Thanks for the link.

SandyQuilts said...

The pillow is lovely. When I look at it I feel a summer breeze ... I need that right now since it's so dang cold here. thanks.

Anonymous said...

Janet - The pillow is beautiful! How generous of you to share your mishap with us. Bless you.

Heather A said...

I so admire your work and wish I had the opportunity to have a workshop here in Saskatchewan, Canada. If I had a piece I could look closely at, I'll bet I could learn a bit. To be so lucky! Thanks for blogging and sharing your life and work.

Vicki said...

Oh, my! Your pillow is amazing, and it is so generous of you to offer it. I'm hoping you will pick me! Thanks so much for your blog and inspirational work!

Dixie Howard said...

Janet! Would love to be entered in your drawing! The pillow is wonderful, as are all of your projects. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.


LizA. said...

I would be honored to give your lovely pillow a new home. You can be assured that it will be well loved.

Jan Richards said...

I would love to win your "mistake" cushion!!! You are truly a perfectionist my dear. Good luck on the re-do.

arlette said...

I'd love to be the owner of your mistake cushion, it's so cute, please enter me!

Pinky said...

Hi Janet! You have a wonderful blog. I check in nearly every day to see what you've been up too!

The cushion is gorgeous and would go very nicely with my room decorations, and my nickname!

Stina Blomgren said...

Glad you found a solution... and your little pillow is wonderful...
I love Kellies patterns.. but havent had the guts to start it

PatchworkRose said...

Hi Janet
Pillow looks just wonderful. I knew it would. Love your Terri Fabric. Hope to see mine soon :-)

Darlene said...

It's beautiful, Janet. You never cease to amaze me - sigh!

QuiltedSimple said...

Oh I so hope I end up the owner of this beautiful cushion. Although Jessie saw it this morning and wants one as hers now. so glad you made it into a cushion

wishes, true and kind said...

Oh my gosh, that is the most beautiful pillow ever! I am heading over to the website to look at all the patterns!


Sharon @ Crooked Creek Studio said...

What a wonderful pillow! I'm so glad you were able to salvage your piece. Thanks for sharing with us!

Kate/Massachusetts said...

Oh my...I will gladly eat chocolate on your behalf! Your pillow is gorgeous! Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveaway!

dfuller55 at verizon dot net

Robin L. Caruso said...

When I read and saw your post my heart just broke. The pillow is simply gorgeous and I would be honored to win it. I teach Machine Quilting and I think you did a great job.
Thank you for sharing the link to the patterns
Love your blog too!

Gill said...

i've only done kellie's free pattern from her blog as they're not easy to find in the uk but i love her work! my heart dropped when i read your earlier post - haven't we all done something similar though perhaps not on such a beautiful piece! i loved your vine piece as well
gill x

Paula Carroll said...

Janet, What a beautiful cushion!I am crossing my fingers to be the lucky one. Paula

Dawn said...

Talk about making lemonade from lemons! Your cushion is sensational Janet - and it is very generous of you to be offering it as a give-away. Thanks for giving us inspiration to use our projects that dont turn out as we planned :-)
Kind regards

Anonymous said...

Is very very nice .. Thanks for looking...

Shelina said...

Wow, that is a gorgeous pillow. I can't believe you are willing to give it away. But I'm willing to take it, I'm just that nice.

Sharrieboberry said...

Very cute! Makin' lemonade, right?

The pillow is gorgeous!

Live Well With Judi said...

The pillow turned out beautifully. I have to say, I lost sleep after I read your blog with the original cutting error. I think everyone of us can relate to that argghhh feeling! Thanks for carrying on and inspiring the rest of us!

Christine said...

the cushion is is all your stitching

Jantine said...

I can see you are ready for making new things. I just love this cushion! wouldn't mind to win it and honestly, it looks like "your mistake" is intended.

RosaMaría said...

wow!!! you work is amazing! that pillow is so beautiful!!! thanks for sharng!

Donna said...

It's a beautiful cushion! I haven't been brave enough to try free motion embroidery yet. I'd love to win it!

You can contact me at ladynredd2003 at yahoo dot com.

Linda in NC said...

I recently found your blog and have enjoyed following along on your wonderful projects. Your fabric selections are just delicious!

caillou said...

hello, je love your patch and iwant good to win thank you, it's wonderfull

Mystica said...

The pillow is so very very pretty. Your stuff looks so very neat and nice. Thank you for being so generous.