I haven't seen the inside of my sewing room for a week, I haven't picked up a needle and thread until today, in fact I've been lying around just like Annie. She fancies this new pincushion, I don't mind sharing. It's the Moda French General one filled with some sort of sand which makes it quite weighty.

It's not out of choice, I've not lost my mojo, believe me. You see, I've been away on secret women's business.
I've been in hospital and I'm recovering from an operation. I'm mending slowly but it may take a couple of weeks.
I did get a bit of applique prepped and all ready to have sit and sew sessions. The only advantage to being laid up is that I'm exempt from housework, cooking and other chores and I get to be waited on.

The block prepped above is for the Mary Mannakee. I made a freezer paper template and left "bridges" to connect the two sections so that I could use one piece of the red and do it by using the cutaway method which I thought would be easier than doing two separate pieces.

Last week, I whipped up another one of these fabric boxes to hold bits and pieces while I work, I really like them as holders for all sorts of things.

I'm also renewing my love affair with these petite basket blocks for short stitching sessions. I missed doing these so now I'm back to it, I'm really enjoying the fact that I can just pick one up and have a stitching fix. I have enough of these prepped to last me a wee while.

I was really hoping to have the second border all done for the Princess Feather quilt but I still have some more circles to add which may have to wait. Go see
Ann's, she has attached two borders to hers already and it looks amazing.
Hope you are better soon, but do enjoy the no housework, no cooking thing...
Hope you are feeling better soon.
But it might be a good idea to really milk the experience so you han have extra guilt free 'stitching, not house cleaning' days.
Andi :-)
Get better soon!! And enjoy being waited upon.
Read books from your TBR pile:)
Take care
Hope you are feeling better soon...all of your sewing bits are gorgeous. Rest, recover & spend some time doing your beautiful stitching!
Take care and be good, we women tend to not take our own advice I know. So enjoy stitching and sitting.
Take good care of yourself while you heal.
Let everyone else wait on you and enjoy your sewing!
Please take good care and fell better. You have lots to keep you busy, no need to move off the couch for a bit. Love your little baskets.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Make sure you do take the time out for yourself.
Great projects you have shared with us.
thinking of you with love.
love that pincushion I think I need to break down and buy it too!
the little basket to hold your spools and stuff in is just adorable.
baskets look great, aren't they fun I worked on mine last week too!
bridging the block was a great suggestion.
I should have done that!
oh I had better start working on another block to keep up with you now!!!!!
Glad your feeling like stitching again.....enjoy being waited on and keep resting on that couch!
Wishing you a speedy recovery but please heed your doctor's advice and take care of yourself during your recovery!
Always providing inspiration - such talent!!!
Janet I know too well about these woman surgeries so please please relax and pretty much take it easy. How you feel later depends on how you take care of yourself now.
Wishing you a speedy recovery--enjoy being waited on. Looks like you have lots of pretty things to keep you busy.
Feel better soon. Kick back, enjoy the stitching and don't try and do too much.
That Princess Feather quilt border is scrumptious.
Rest, recover, relax! Take good care and we'll expect you back on your feet soon! You've got lots of delicious stitching to help in the process!
Glad you are recuperating! But it does look like you are keeping your hands busy. Popped over to Ann's and her's is just gorgeous. Don't worry you will get there.
Annie is so cute, I hope she is great company for you as you rest up and get better fast! Your stitching continually amazes me! xo
I was going to write exactly what Fiestagirl wrote...she's right!
You always, always provide inspiration. I think that basket quilt is calling my name...lol
Beautiful work Janet, as always!
Feel better very soon!
So glad you're on the mend and back to blogging. Your work is beautiful and such an inspiration. I love your little baskets. I need to work on my appllique skills and those look like just the right size to prepare a lot and have ready to work on anytime.
Glad to hear you are getting rest after your operation. Enjoy your down time. look forward to seeing what you work on during this time. Enjoy the applique. I find the little baskets to be very enjoyable.
oh my lordy! Look at all your fab applique! One day I'll get there, that princess feather quilt is so darn fantastic...
Sorry to you are laid up but it looks like you prepared well for your recuperation time. Wishing a smooth and speedy recovery, Janet!
It takes awhile to get the energy back to tackle large projects...let yourself pick and play for a bit. The Mojo will be back!
ps...love the little fabric box!
I'm glad you are home and resting with your stitching. It looks like you had a chance to "prep" before surgery and that is a good thing. I love the fabric you are using for the wee baskets. They are so cute!
Hope you are back on your feet soon.
Lots of eye candy on your blog today, I love to see what you are working on. Love the little fabric box.
I hope you heal very quickly but I recommend groaning for a couple of extra weeks to keep up that exempt status :0)
So sorry you are laid up, but try to enjoy the pampering that comes with it while it lasts. So many pretty things on your blog today. Annie is a cutie -- what a sweet face she has! Love, love, love the fabric box. So cute AND functional! And I'm glad to see you are still working on those cute little baskets. I need a project like that!
You've been missed. I hope your recovery goes well. Stay in your pajamas, read good books, and I hope your family spoils you.
Hope you're making the most of the down time and being waited on, be good and rest lots. Just adore your princess Feather quilt.
Love the doll and pincushion, as well as the beautiful feather quilt! Rest up!
I hope your recovery goes smoothly. I also hope you can enjoy a few quiet days of resting and stitching. Your applique is wonderful. I was intrigued by the MM block - I've never tried bridging before. It looks interesting to try...:0)
I hope your recovery goes good. Get well soon!
Well prop up your feet and get out a tiny bell to ring for service!! Hope you recoup quickly and can get back to moving slowly though, not too fast. Do as they say, they really are good rules. Looks like you planned well for your couch time and have so many lovely porjects to pick up and sew!
One question. Your baskets, I see them preped but no pins, do you use a few drops of basting glue to hold those down?
Take care of yourself and rest as much as you can ... and recover quickly!!!! I loved that Annie of yours.. so cute... maybe I have to try those thread baskets .. if I can find the link again..;o) Need to start prepping some blocks so I have when I feel for some applique!!!
Hi Janet, Sorry to hear that you have been unwell. How nice that you have a family to take good care of you. Hope you feel better real soon, as enjoy your "down" time appliqueing!
I hope your back to your old self soon. Hospitals are no fun at all. Enjoy being waited on bz it never lasts long for wives and mothers! I really like that little fabric box.
I do hope for you a speedy recover. We miss you and your post. Take care of yourself and you'll be back soon.
Happy stitching while you heal!!
Hi Janet, have been thinking of you for a while now, but like you have QADD and need to get focused...lol
I do hope your recovery goes really well and that you can find your mojo and relax (if possible) and enjoy some stitching while you are 'still'.
As always I find everything you're up to is inspiring and even if you feel 'stale' I can assure you, it doesn't 'feel' stale to read what you're up to.
Take a break and find 'you' and your spark again.
I think we all have these times.
Just love to see what you're doing and this is funny but true, "I want to be a Quilter like you when I grow up" *snicker*
hugs to you!!
Robyn xx
Sorry you have had to be in the hospital, and hope you are recovered soon. Love your hand work as always, inspirational.
Hi Janet
Get well soon and Be Good. It does the rest of the family good to chip in. Love the little basket. Your colour choices are great. Heal gently and maybe do a little sootheing applique. The Mary Manakee block is going to look wonderful but then all your work has a wonderful personality.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Let the family take over and spoil you some...
Hugs Julia ♥
Be patient with yourself during your recovery. So glad it wasn't your stitchin' fingers that had the surgery! Take care and go slow. :-)
Hi... is very nice you work i love you new block... i hope ypou are beter...
Feel better soon, Janet. I hope that your recovery is a speeedy one. Take care and listen to your body. {{{hugs}}}
Have a restful time in recovery - hope you are completely OK now. I'm sure you are surrounded by some beautiful things even if you don't have the energy to make more. Relax and enjoy.
Sorry to hear you've not been well. Get better soon. I love all your pretty things.
Just wishing you a good, good time!
Hope you recover quickly! And you know what? I adore those sweet little basket blocks. All the color on your past couple posts are quite inspiring!
Sorry to hear you've had a surgery. Don't rush the recovery! It was smart to get some applique prepped for when you feel up to it.
As always..I so enjoy seeing your work. Truly inspirational. Now it looks like I'll need to get another book? ;)
I work on my little baskets as a take along project. They're fun!
Well now this is a rather extreme way to get stitching time with your fabulous applique, lol, but whatever works! Seriously, I hope you are well tended to and your recovery smooth sailing so you are up and about in no time at all. Take care!
Hope you are up and about real quick! But for now, let everyone wait on you and enjoy your time to stitch.
Oh my gosh! I do hope you're feeling all back to normal soon. For the time being though, enjoy the ability to rest and let everyone wait on you for once! I Love those little baskets -- I'm going to have to quit coming here -- I keep seeing projects I want to start!
Well, Janet, you just lay around and get better soon. Looks like you have a lot to keep you busy. Enjoy your time away from housework while you can.
Oh poor you! Hope you are up and at it really soon. Perhaps you should wait and finish that gorgeous quilt first. It's amazing! Love the colourful fabrics you have used. And that Annie doll is the cutest thing out!! Did you make her?
I too hope you are up and back into your sewing room soon. Please don't cut down on your posting. Your blog is absolutely adorable. I love your obsession with the Kaffee Fasset fabrics and your little baskets are too cute. Are they going to be needle turned or just raw edged sewn down? I think I see a new project in my head.
Feel Better
Driving Miss Stacey
Sew Far Sew Good Quilt Shop
Hello dear Janet! I am praying for a speedy recovery for you. Hugs from Kentucky - kelley
The baskets are too cute and LOVE the bird on the border!
Your fabric choices are incredible.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!! I love the little "container". It's so cute. Love your blog. You are one of my favorites. Linda
Glad you are on the mend. Your little baskets are quite charming. I would like to reach in there and sew up a couple myself. It is just the thing to satisfy an applique fix.
Janet! Get well soon! Glad to see you are prepared for some quiet sewing sessions. Such an adorable Annie. She looks like the kind to cheer you up. Take care!
I'm a bit late here, but offering no less heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery.
This post is full of so much color and so many interesting ideas...
OK, I'm going to try this again...I've been having some trouble publishing comments.
I do so...sew hope you are feeling better! It's good you have some hand work to occupy yourself as you recuperate! Mend quickly and get back into that sewing room!
I LOVE ALL of your projects!!! From Mary Mannakee to Kaffe to those SWEET little baskets to Princess Feathers!!! OH my! ; ) Thanks for sharing!!!
I hope you have a speedy recovery!
It is always so fun to see what you are working on. And let me just say, your idea to keep those bridges on the freezer paper? Brilliant. It makes so much sense, and is so smart! I'm definitely remembering that one.
I see you live up to your blog name - love all your bright colourful projects. Hope all goes well with the recovery - Enjoy the Housework ban!
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