Finally I found some and also bought this nice toile which I thought would be good.
I really I think I have to make some more. I'll use matt Mod Podge on the paper inside to make it a bit more durable.

photo courtesy of Kim McLean
Is it not gorgeous, wonderful and amazing? It's called Stars and Sprigs. I'm so excited, you have no idea how much I love Kim's work and I've loved this quilt since I saw it a couple of years ago.
Best of all, I have Kim's very gracious permission to make it. Yes just for ME, I'm going to make it, is it not gorgeous wonderful and amazing? Oh did I say that already? Sorry but I'm a bit overwhelmed with the generosity and kindness at being able to make it. The main body of the quilt was inspired by an antique spread from 1810 pictured in an old Quilt Engagement Calendar by Cyril Nelson.
Thank you Kim, you are the best.
In conclusion, we have all educated ourselves a bit more over the whole copyright issue and I thank you all for your input and just want to urge you to check things out first, you may have a happy outcome like I did. If you don't, be gracious and accept it. The information is out there.
Back to gift making, oh the pressure of it, not good.
Oh my gosh that quilt is beautiful and I can see why you want to make it. I'm so glad Kim gave her permission. Did she say if she plans to publish a pattern for it in the future?
OMG, OMG , that quilt is amazing, it would be I dream about. I love your box Janet, looks fabulous, that material is beautiful, I adore toile. When DS went to France he bought me back some beautiful red toile but I am scared to use it, I just stroke it and look at it. Maybe a box would be a good idea.mmmmm
Great outcome, I have met Kim before and she is an amazing quilter and lovely person. Had the plessure to do a workshop with her.
The quilt is SO you! I'm so glad Kim gave her permission. Actually, it's good advertising for her, especially when we know she is kind and generous. Makes me want to look at her patterns even more!
Great job on the boxes. Perfect material to make them.
Great box! I might have to try doing one of those.
That is some quilt! It is really lovely, I can see why you want to make it. I look forward to seeing your version, colours, etc.
OMG now we know why you were so intent on being able to make this quilt. It is absolutely amazing and you know we will all be watching your progress!!
Kim McLean will be a name we all remember fondly.
That box looks great. Where did you manage to find the boxes? Great present idea!
oh my I love your box and the paper on the inside is perfect! love that.
I too am a big fan of Kim's quilts. I sure hope she is going to make a pattern from this quilt
It is beautiful. I am in AWE of the border...oh please tell her we all love the quilt and yes we would buy the pattern in a heartbeat!
can't wait to see the progress on this quilt!
I am thrilled for you that you were able to get her permission to make it as well
I love Kims patterns too.. one year at the quilt show @ Darling Harbour (was it this year? last year? brain dont function at the moment) they had a few of her quilts on display.. WOWEEE.. amazing!
The quilt is fantastic. I look forward to seeing pictures of it emerge on your blog, next year? Thank you for sharing the copyright issue with us. And I am so happy you got the connection and permission from this fantastic designer. The box is very elegant, great idea for a present!
Hi Janet,
Love your beautiful box and I'm so happy for you that Kim has given her permission for you to make it... so generous and I can't wait to see what you do..I know it will be stunning and yes the quilt is truly beautiful!! Truly.
I'm so glad the copyright thing has come up... it affects so many of us and it's so good to raise the awareness. There are many blogs covering this right now and also DUG mag has covered it last issue too.
Fabulous box and great outcome on the quilt. Honesty is its own reward so they say - and you have shown great integrity where this quilt is concerned. And well done to Kim for acknowledging that by allowing you to reproduce. Now if you could only convince her that you have dozens of friends that love it just a much it would be perfect (loud chuckle here).
Good onya Janet!
Oh Janet! I'm in an awful hurry, but I just had to say the outcome of the "debate" really puts a smile on my face. CONGRATULATIONS! Blogging is a wonderful thing.
Goodness, I can see why you were in awe of Kim's quilt. I almost began to hyperventilate when I saw that pic. It's a stunner.
Gorgeous quilt...I can understand why you wanted to make it! I have been doing the boxes!
Ohh my goodness that quilt is stunning!!! No wonder you wanted to make it!!! I am very happy you persevered and have been rewarded with permission to make the quilt. I can't wait to watch your progress.
The box is great. I love the toile fabric and the sampler design on the inside.
Hi Janet
Just a fabulous quilt. I know you can do it justice. Looking forward to deeing your version. It would be wonderful if Kim produced the pattern wouldn't it :-)
Hope you are going to show us your progress :-) The journey of this wonderful quilt
That box looks so cute, it is wonderful!! Lucky is the person who gets this as gift:)
And the quilt has you written all over it:8)
How wonderful for you, Janet that you have Kim's permission to make her quilt.
Most designers are only too willing to share when they are asked. Until now I had never heard of Kim McLean but I assure you that I will never forget her or her generosity...or her amazing quilting designs.
You will certainly do this quilt justice and I can't wait to see it.
So glad you were able to track down the designer and get permission to make that lovely quilt. What a beauty! Thank you for pointing me to the tutorial for the boxes. I don't know when, but I'm going to make aat least one.
Your box turned out beautifully, Janet! Didn't the Blackbird instructions make it seem very do-able?! I'll have to try. GORGEOUS Kim McLean quilt! Gorgeous! Yes, yes, will there be a pattern? :-)
OMGosh I LOVE this quilt!!! Kim needs to re-release the pattern :o)
Your box is beautiful!!
Wow...mouth dropped open wow. I couldn't even imagine tackling something so gorgeous as that but I know with your awesome applique talents your going to have yourself one gorgeous quilt! Thanks to for pointing us in the direction of the fabric covered box yours turned out lovely!
Kim's quilts are amazing and that quilt does really look like something you would make. Woo-Hoo I'm so excited for you!!
I have two of the boxes in my sewing room and they are plain brown. I need to get to work on them to pretty them up!!
Congrats. I knew it was that quilt. I was tempted to putt hat in my response yesterday.
I have a couple of the boxes sitting in a bag with the glue and the fabric. I guess I am hoping the elves will take care of it before the holidays....
Gorgeous quilt...
Forgot to ask...has she ever published this pattern? If not does she ever plan to?
The quilt is every wonderful thing you said about it! You're such a lucky girl that Kim's allowing you to make it. That's pretty high praise. I hope you share your journey with making yours! Cindy
How wonderful for you and Kim and all of us! It looks like a lovely quilt and I know you will do a wonderful job making your own version. EnJOY!
Wow, that is indeed a stunning quilt! I can see why you love it so much!
I can't wait to follow your progress as you dig into this daunting task.
How wonderful of Kim to be so generous, I am glad you are able to make the quilt.
Oh My!!!
Breathtaking... Can't wait to see how you go about it!
Thank you Kim, from all of us as well.
And thank you Janet involving us in the process.
Indeed a great lesson worth learning!
Valentina from Cyprus.
Oh my goodness that is an amazingly gorgeous quilt! You'll do it justice for sure. Love the covered boxes. When living in Japan I purchases small tea boxes and covered them with washi paper. Love the round shape of these boxes. I went and visited their blog.
My goodness, that quilt is awesome. How exciting that you can make it. Have fun.
Good job on your box. I have not tried this but I did mod podge fabric on a metal pot. Pretty neat.
What a beautiful quilt! Can't wait to see your interpretation of it.
The box is beautiful. A toile is a beautiful choice of fabric for it, especially in blue and white, my fave.
The box turned out beautifully! I'd read that tutroial and filed it away for *someday*.
Kim's quilt is gorgeous. I can definitely understand the appeal! I recall a very similar one, perhaps inspired by the same antique quilt, by Yoko Saito, I think, in an old Japanese quilt magazine, either Quilts Japan or Tsushin. (Some sentence!) I'll dig around and see if i can find the inage for you.
The box is beautiful. And what a gorgeous quilt pattern. Can't wait to see you start showing process photos!
Hi Janet!
the cupcakers are going to make covered hat boxes on Dec. 10.
We're having trouble finding them also. That toile is gorgeous.
The quilt? I can't breath, seriously, I can't breath it is tooo beautiful!
I'm so glad you get to make the quilt!!! It really is fabulous and the one you make will be every bit as marvelous. Your box turned out lovely.
That is a very lovely quilt. You go girl!
Love the covered box! You picked the perfect fabric. Kim's quilt is beautiful. My favourite is the borders. Have fun making it!
Beautiful! I'm sure you'll do it justice!
What an amazing quilt! I'm so glad that you got the proper permission and that you are going to be able to make the quilt! I'm looking forward to watching your progress.
The box is glorious!
And I am so happy Janet that you got the answer you wanted and will be able to make the quilt! It is amazing!
Yes, we all learned something.
wow Janet that is most definetly a quilt to make but you are the one to do it. Will you be using a pattern or will you be creating it yourself?
Kim's quilt is gorgeous. A million leaves at least. Do you plan on the applique being that complicated?
And a question about the covered box. I made one following the directions but have to crumple the box in to get the lid on. Did you have that problem?
Your box is lovely and the quilt is gorgeous.. So glad Kim gave you permission to make it. I Would love to follow along and see the blocks as you make them.
So happy you finally got onto contact with Kim!! AndWOW.. what a quilt... oh you will have so much making this one... that I can see!! Good luck!!
Love the cute box too. :o)
Lucky you, I bet you have started already ;-).
Those boxes are awesome!!!
Cute box, but I have to say that quilt is just stunning, and knowing you, you'll have it made in record time. What a wonderful end to your quest for permission.
Wow! That quilt is worth all the fuss -- I can't wait to see your version. As quickly as you work, you'll have it whipped out in no time. And blue toile is PERFECT for that box!
absolutely glorious and good on you for doing the right thing!
Lord have mercy - what a beauty! Congratulations to you and thanks for sharing the discussion and process of obtaining this pattern and permission. Have you begun stitching it yet...?!
Congratulations on getting Kim's permission. And, thank you for helping educate folks in a nice way about copyright. We don't think about it enough.
Where'd you get that Lecien newspaper fabric? I love it, but haven't turned any up in my Internet search.
Love your box too! Will have to try it myself.
First of all, you did a wonderful job on your box! I'm so glad you got permission to show Kim's quilt. It is amazing, and I've never seen it before. How is it that she hasn't sold it as a pattern?!?! Thank you for all the posts and information about copyright in regards to designs. I think about it all the time. I have an ad that I tore out of the newspaper and a greeting card that I have saved for awhile thinking they would make great applique quilts, but the copyright issue has always bothered and stopped me from doing so. I will be very interested to see your interpretation of Kim's fabulous quilt.
Oh Janet, I thrilled that you were able to make contact with Kim and that you're going to be able to make that wonderful quilt. I know you are going to have tons of fun with this one.
This is absolutely stunning and I can see why you so want to make it. Thank you for informing us of the legal rights for copying a pattern .... now we know!
WOW! No wonder that quilt called out to you. It is stunning. And how gracious and wonderful of Ms. McLean to allow you to create one for yourself. So cool!
I'm loving your fabric covered box too. It turned out beautifully! That is such a neat idea. Thanks so much for sharing the link.
that is a stunning quilt and am sure you will love the process
what a giving community the quilting one gift such a design comes purely from the heart and kim's heart is bigger than her talent and that is saying something!
The quilt is sensational! I could not be happier for you, Janet!
By the way, as usual, as I was reading this post, one thing led to another... and I saw that your first blog was on 11/24. Let me wish you a belated happy 1 year blog-oversary! You're one of my quilting "rock stars". You do such a range of styles and have a fantastic eye for color and pattern. Your work is exquisite and inspiring. I am grateful that you share not just the finished projects, but the journey, including the decisions and struggles on the journey. You generously share your techniques. (I realize how time consuming it is to take all those pictures and write accompanying instructions.) Through it all we feel your enthusiasm, smile at your humor, and sense your heart. THANK YOU for 1 year and congratulations!!!
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